Preparing your Home for Sale

Preparing your Home for Sale


Getting your home ready to hit the market is a critical step in a successful sale. You want to make sure that you’re putting your best foot forward. In this blog, we’re going to cover a few quick tips and tricks to make sure your house is one to remember.


What should you be doing?


First, make sure to depersonalize your spaces. This is because you want prospective buyers to imagine their own living space, rather than feeling like they’ve intruded on yours. Then, declutter your home and rearrange furniture to create more space for visitors to relax and explore. Decorate your home so that it highlights the unique features and selling points which others of the same vintage or in the same area may not have.


Lighting is a crucial step when you prepare for an open house. Making your home brighter can be a great way to show off your kitchen, foyer or other communal spaces in your home. Consider replacing your lighting or adding lamps to darker rooms. Draw back curtains, blinds and take measures to brighten your spaces to make them feel more inviting and welcoming. If there are any spaces that could benefit from natural light, let it in.

Make sure your outdoor spaces have been maintained as well as possible, measures being different depending on the season. During the warmer months, make sure to keep your lawn cut, trees trimmed and your gardens pruned. During the colder months, remember to salt your driveway and walkways frequently to keep visitors safe. Also make sure to create an inviting front porch to attract more potential buyers and welcome them to your home.


What shouldn’t you be doing?


Don’t leave a mess! Any dust, stains or other small messes can leave a bad impression on your guests. Don’t leave anything personal like documents, medications or fragile items sitting on shelves or behind cupboard doors. Guests sometimes like to open cabinets and drawers to see how much space they provide.


Any more questions?

If you have any further questions about preparing your home for sale, feel free to reach out and ask away! We’ll be happy to help you with your needs.